How Fan Experience Ties to Revenue

by Alexis Campanella - Taymar Sales U. | Vice President and General Manager- Georgia State
June 23, 2022

Throughout my career in ticket sales, I have worked for teams who won championships and I have worked for teams that have lost every game. No matter what the team record is, the goal is still the same—Sell tickets and drive revenue.

Control the Controllable

As alluded to, there are some things in sports you cannot control. You won’t be able to control the number of wins and losses each season, the opponent, or the weather. These factors have been used by customers to say no to coming out since the dawn of day. What you can control is the experience.

Big Ideas Do Not Mean Big Money

We have all hear the saying “To make money, you have to spend money.” While this can still ring true at times, coming up with engaging fan experiences does not have to drown your entire budget. When looking at how to add value, start with what is readily available and free. High-five tunnels, video board messages, and visits from the mascot can go just as far as a giveaway without the price tag.

Sell What Will Be Remembered

When you look back at your favorite memories from a sporting event, you usually don’t remember the score—you may not even remember the opponent—but you do remember who you were with and how you felt at the game. So why would we not approach sales and revenue generation in a similar fashion? Selling the entire experience can lead to seat upgrades or ticket add-ons can lead to higher revenue potential. For example, if you have a client who is looking to bring colleagues out to your event, maybe premium seating or an all-you-can-eat area would give them an overall better experience to keep them coming back.

Working Together to Bring Your Ideas to Life

Typically fan engagement/fan experience team and the sales team are under two separate departments. Working closely with one another can lead to greater ideas, superior execution, and a higher retention rate.

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