Top 8 quarantine reads for you during the COVID-19 pandemic

by the sports business solutions team
April 07, 2020

Sports Business Solution’s “Top 8 Quarantine Reads”

With an increased focus on personal development during our extended time at home, the team at Sports Business Solutions has put together their list of “Top 8 Quarantine Reads”. The list contains an assortment of business, leadership, and sales books. Enjoy!

“Atomic Habits” James Clear

A more recent read of mine that examines various aspects of habit formation, and practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and understand the behaviors that lead to results. The author explains how changing your habits is more about changing your system. Bad habits repeat themselves not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. Throughout the book, the author gives clear examples that will help reshape the way you think about progress and success while giving you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits. - Jason Stein

“How to Win Friends and Influence People” Dale Carnegie

This book is as much about psychology as it is sales, customer service, and leadership. Psychology is the study of mental processes and behaviors. Professionals who best understand the mindset and actions of those they sell and serve are better positioned to succeed. It was written in 1936, but the reason it’s one of my favorites and the favorite of millions of other sales leaders, is that the messages are simple – and they work. - Kevin Klammer

“Hug Your Customers” Jack Mitchell

I read this book in early 2009 amid an economic recession and following my first year in corporate partnership sales at Virginia Tech. In sales and customer service, relationships are always important, but right now, they’re paramount. Take this pause in your sales cycle to really get to know your customers, so you can tailor their relationship to your product with personalized touchpoints that show them you care. Jack Mitchell shows you how to sell items people want, but may not need, by focusing on exceptional customer experience. - Kevin Klammer

The One Thing” Gary Keller

This book is the GOAT of productivity! Gary Keller touches on topics that have had a drastic impact on the way I approach my days and business. There are practical examples that you can immediately implement such as time blocking techniques and effective goals setting. The title of the book focuses on the concept of “The One Thing”, which is a self-reflection strategy to reduce distractions and produce at a higher level. At the conclusion of the book, you will find yourself asking the following question, “What’s the one thing right now that would make everything easier or unnecessary?” - Matt Clark

“The Slight Edge” Jeff Olson

This was one of the first motivational books I read several years back that shows you how to create powerful results from the simple daily activities of your life. You won’t find anything that is terribly groundbreaking, instead, the book examines how small changes to your daily life and by using tools that are already within you can help you achieve success. The author provides clear, straight forward examples from personal experience and historical events to show how major accomplishments aren’t typically achieved by drastic changes, but rather small consistent actions that people instill in their everyday lives. - Jason Stein

“Start With Why” Simon Sinek

If you have struggled with finding your sense of purpose, whether that be personally or for your business, then this is a must-read. I have found that goal-setting can be a meaningless exercise if you don’t know why you set that as a goal in the first place. Simon Sinek helps your understand you personal vision statement and motivators by diving into examples of companies whose purposes have been clear such as Apple, Southwest Airlines, and Harley Davidson. This book will break down why you do something, how you will do it, and what results they will bring. - Matt Clark