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#SameHere - How to Create Vulnerability in the Workplace
#SameHere - How Vulnerable Can You Be With Your Clients/Prospects/Customers?
#SameHere - How to Communicate to Leadership When You are Struggling
How to Successfully Build Your LinkedIn Profile
Why You Should Become a PRO User!
#SameHere - New Year, Same You?
#SameHere - How to Navigate the Holiday Season Schedule
Becoming a College Professor
College Professors: How to Utilize theClubhouse® in the Classroom
#SameHere - "Business as Usual" after a Pandemic
#SameHere - Balancing In-Office vs. In Person Work Schedules
Learn What it Takes to Become a GM!
PRO Member Webinar
#SameHere - Open Forum to Discuss Emotions, Feelings, and Ask Questions Related to Sudden Loss in the Sports Industry
No Intelligence Without Data
#SameHere: Tactical Mental Health Tools for in the Office and at Home
#SameHere: The Importance of Valuing Mental Health & Embodying Vulnerability as a Leader
Do’s and Don’t of the Interview Process
Utilizing LinkedIn for Business
#SameHere: Making Professional Decisions with Your Personal Life in Mind
#SameHere: Staying in the Sports Industry
How to Utilize theClubhouse® in the Classroom
How to Have a Successful Mindset in the Sports Industry with Jamie Morningstar and Travis Apple
How to Start a Career in the Sports Industry with Lou DePaoli & Dr. Bill Sutton